Author: acwhwzmy

  • Capturing Ideas – Management Advice

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  • Organizing a Reference Guide


    Most of us have observed that products tend to become more complex as they evolve.  This is not unusual, even for a set of golf clubs.  Increasing product and service complexity is a natural consequence of working in a competitive environment. To address this, product documentation should be capable of moving in lockstep with product… Read more

  • How Much Detail Should be Documented?

    Adding a lot of detail to a technical document can be expensive to create and maintain. Therefore, this is an important issue to get on the table up front. If you have a document that is only going to be used by users and trainers, extensive details should be reduced to a minimum. But if… Read more

  • Where Do I Find It Fast?

    If you work in Product Support, most days are full of pressure.  It seems like everyone in the world needs help.  To make things worse, they always need help right now, not tomorrow.  It simply can’t wait until later. Must help right now! So, to address the problem you think about the last time you… Read more

  • Teach Them HOW it works!

    And by that, I don’t mean giving away the keys to the store.  Keep the “how you build it” stuff to yourselves. What you should do is produce a document that contains something like a “Theory of Operation” section. One of the best examples of this may be found in vehicle repair manuals. Many of… Read more

  • Getting the Most from LinkedIn Groups

    One of the best resources, that is often overlooked, is to join one of these groups for your industry. There are many resources available ranging simple hints to the best tradeshows to attend. As an example, we are a member of one of Technical Documentation groups and have found it an extremely valuable resource. Looking… Read more

  • A Note about User Documentation

    What is a User? On many occasions, while discussing the term “User” with companies, we hear a lot of interpretations about Users in general. Here is a summary of one interaction: After a half-hour discussion, just about everybody agreed that the definition of a User is “What a User been assigned to DO” with a… Read more